Bathe Them in a Big Bag of Love

On my early morning walk today, as I was staring at this beautiful peach colored ray in the sky, I got a beautiful image.

The image represented humans clearing away old ways of thinking, lower frequencies, lifelong hurts, disappointments and fears by placing them inside this huge sheet/bag and bundling them up. This bundle was being bathed in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE from God, Source. The bundle also contained decades of fears from the unified field.

I felt my own limited thoughts of confusion, and feelings of rejection from old wounds blocking me and it didn’t feel good. I placed them into the bundle and bathed them in love.

Pay attention to your limited thoughts and ask your heart if they are aligned with your highest self. And, if not, place them in the BIG BAG/sheet to be bundled up and BATHED IN LOVE.

There is a huge clearing going on earth and individually. As as we do our inner processing, we expand our potential, we open up our field of possibilities, and align with our higher selves. We live in the absolute knowing of trust and become freer. We are choosing to live in a more loving, joyful, unified, empowered, compassionate and expanded way. This is the new paradigm.

Know that your individual journey is perfect for YOU, for your divine path, for who you are, for your life purpose. You are perfect just as you are right now. Trust.

“I allow love and light to energize me.”

“I trust there is a divine purpose in my life”

“I choose the most authentic vibration.”

“I choose to access my highest and most divine self.”

“I choose to hold reverence for all of life including myself.”

“I trust there is divine purpose in my confusion right now. I ask and intend to have clarity.”

Feel free to share this message with your friends, just keep my name attached.
From my heart to yours!

Laurie Martin