During a workshop on Living Life Lighter, an attendee asked a great question. We were on the topic of following your intuition and an attendee shared with us that she decided to move and felt good about the move at the time, but then she said she felt it was not the right thing. I asked her, “how does she know that?” She said her move after that one was the right move. I said, sometimes we can’t jump from A to C without going through B. And, I asked her what she learned by moving to B? She said it was a really big step for her to have the courage and confidence to do that and she was pretty proud of herself for taking action. I then stated, maybe who she was then, she may not have been ready for move C, or all of the particulars involved in that area wasn’t ready for her until she finally got there. As we increase our confidence, we perceive ourselves in a new way.
The point that I’m making is, it doesn’t mean that “she made a wrong choice” by making her first move. I explained to her that when I was let go from a company at age 29, and I was desperately looking for a job like a full time job. Two months went by and I was hired by a company, finally, a pay check coming in! Though it was not my dream job, it did take my financial worries away. A couple of months later; I got a call back from a company whom I sent my resume to previously. They now had an opening. I was hired and I stayed with that job for eight years, and they allowed me to move out to Arizona. I went from A to B to C. And, on the interview I may have presented myself with more confidence because I had a job already. I don’t look at B like a mistake, it was my “in the meantime job”, and I’m sure I learned different things at that time that helped me get to job C. And, job C wasn’t ready for me any earlier.
My point is, don’t think your intuition was incorrect. Things may not always go the way you think, but there is more going on than you think. Stay true to your inner calling, your heart and spirit and move in the direction that you are being pulled towards. Adopt an attitude that no matter what happens, good or bad, you are grateful for it, because you know the experience leads you down the right path.
Focus on what you learn about yourself what you are proud of and then keep exploring. The more we learn about ourselves, the more we know what is good for us and the more in tune we are with our guidance system. Please leave your comments and share with me your stories of following your intuition!
Join our Wisdom 101 gatherings on Saturdays, 9:00 – 10:00 am. Please email me your interest, lauriem@smileacrossyourheart.com.
Watch this amazing movie: http://www.foodmatters.tv/
May 21, Planet Forward, http://www.planetforward.org/
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