I’m excited for my new personal accountability challenge! Everything we do either has a positive or negative effect on our world. And, now even more, our world needs our help! It’s time to really step it up. It’s encouraging to know that my own daily actions can help our world. Taking accountability is a representation of “truth” and “right action” which impacts the frequency of the collective consciousness and our…
Give Yourself a Self-Care Week
Sick of hearing all of the negative news everywhere you turn? Worrying about your home, daily needs and our world affairs can be a little stressful too. Take a week off from watching the news, reading the newspaper and engaging in conversations that make your blood boil or worrying about your parents. Instead, give yourself a “self-care” week. During this week, engage in conversations with people that are a positive influence in…
How do you know when you have grown in self love?
When you are going through a tough situation you notice your inner strength is stronger than your sadness. When you are going through a tough situation and you are focusing on the wisdom you are gaining and how you are expanding your heart- more parts of yourself. When you notice you are not personalizing other people’s behavior as much. When you notice you are able to vocalize and communicate instead…
A New addition
Dear Friends, It’s been a long time since I’ve done a blog post. A New addition to Smile Across Your Heart: Surrender, Trust, Listen, and Take Action When you feel frustrated or disappointed, this is the time to surrender. We are usually trying to control something or someone that is uncontrollable. Because we can’t control, we get frustrated, disappointed and feel out of control. SURRENDER to God. Let it go.…
Everything is Possible!
A Boca Raton woman trapped on her knees in complete darkness for five days in the Haiti earthquake. She said, “Nothing is impossible with faith”. When asked, “How did you survive on your knees for five days? She said, “It was faith in the Lord.” She recited psalms, spoke encouraging words to another man and child, and at times screaming to be heard and found. Listening to this woman’s story,…
God is helping you all the time – Do you see it?
It was a sunny Wednesday afternoon in southwest Florida as I was cruising north on route 41 heading directly to Stein Mart to look for a pair of shoes. In my head, I had the image of the type of shoes that I wanted to purchase to go with a particular outfit. My cell phone rings and it’s a friend whom I haven’t spoken to in several months. She said,…
Say YES to Peace & Joy for the Holidays!
For many people, the holidays are a very joyous time. And, then there are many people that are looking forward to January 2010! Preparing for the holidays for those people may be a stressful time with visions of being with family members whom you don’t necessarily enjoy being around; and visions of crowded malls and parking lots, or eating too much unhealthy food, or maybe the thought of Uncle Rob…
The power to inspire an open heart is a gift to humanity!
One theme I’m hearing a lot these days is, “I want to make a difference in people’s lives.” And, the good news is, it’s very easy! One reason people are divinely driven to make a difference is because it feels good. It’s a wonderful and powerful feeling to know that you have been a catalyst of peace and harmony in someone’s life. This feeling is what brings true fulfillment! Helping…
Helping Others With Your Daily Thoughts
Did you know that our thoughts can effect other people’s health? We have the power to help our friends and family feel healthy by what we project onto them. And this happens with each thought we have about them every time we think of them. And, we don’t even have to be near them. Close your eyes. Say, “I ask & intend to connect with unconditional love.” Get a picture…
Full Acceptance of What Is – Getting Into a State of Peace
Close your eyes. Breathe in and out through your nose. Relax all of your muscles. Say, “I ask and intend to connect with the frequency of unconditional love. I connect with my higher all wise self. I accept all of my feelings and emotions that I’m having right now. I love them! I love them! And, they are invited to stay if they want to stay, and welcome to go…