Looking for Help to Express My Appreciation to my Mom

My latest Heart to Heart column in today’s newspaper helps readers express their love and appreciation to their mothers. If you are a mom, Happy Mothers Day!! And, if you don’t have children, celebrate your nurturing, loving, caring and selfless heart! Namaste!! Laurie Heart to Heart column in the Naples Daily News: Dear Laurie, My mom is so amazing. She raised me as a single mom. I feel like I…

Heart to Heart: Help me stop my critical voice

By Laurie Martin Community Contributor Thursday, April 12, 2012 Dear Laurie, I’ve read many books that say our thoughts, words and feelings affect our life circumstances. I am very hard on myself. I noticed that when I’m going through a challenge, I usually think I did something wrong, maybe I had a negative thought or a negative feeling that caused this, and I get mad at myself, become hyper critical,…

Heart to Heart: Confused About My Life Purpose

Heart to Heart: Confused about my life purpose By Laurie Martin Community Contributor Thursday, March 1, 2012 Dear Laurie, Recently, I have been wondering what my life purpose is. What am I meant to be doing? I thought I knew, but I struggle with doubt and insecurity. I know you can’t answer these questions for me through this column, but I was wondering, when you work with clients who are…

Heart to Heart column in Naples Daily News

Dear Laurie, I took a wonderful workshop with you recently in Maryland and was wondering if you can give me a mantra to help me in my life. What word or phase would you give me? Thank you Laurie! Rachel Dear Rachel, I remember who you are, sweet lady. My mantra for you is, “I remember who I am.” Remember your beautiful divinity, your eternal divine essence. Remember you are…

Something to be Proud of – Your Emotional Wealth

Happy New Year! We have all gone through different size life transitions, personal challenges and much spiritual growth. I personally thank you! As each of us does our personal growth work we are raising our vibration another octave higher and with this increase we are assisting with the increase of raising the earth’s vibration. Thank you for all you have endured and for staying aligned to love, trust and faith!…